EWFMC Youth Group
Created: 2007
This site was made for a new youth group program at the East Williamson Free Methodist Church. I created five different layouts: spring, summer, fall, winter, and christmas, that kept the same structure, but the graphics and color changed. In the beginning, the site was a great place for people to come and check where it was, what kind of things were there, pictures of the house, etc. Once most of the teens who went to "The Attic" got on facebook, it turned out that that was a better mode of communication, and the site has not been updated in some time, because it simply isn't needed. However, this was the first real site that I ever made, and the experience was invaluable. I learned so much in HTML and CSS, and it gave me a great foundation to build my education at RIT on, and it's what truly started me thinking that I might like Web Designing as a career.
This project can be found here.